Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Yeah, bikers? What's the deal with those morons? They think they have the right to just pull out in front of me and go like literally 5 miles per hour? Idiots. I honk at them every time. Why do they have to come into the road and take up space that us car drivers have rightfully earned? Its our turf, and we will honk, and drive vigorously just to get our point across that we deserve the streets more than you do, you peasants. If you can't afford a car, GET A JOB.  Whats the point of riding a bike? Lose weight, be healthy? I can drive my car to the gym anytime I want to.  You need to get places? Take the bus, but don’t ride your bike, please. Just do us all a big favor and just sell your bike and use the money to buy a car, or a bus pass. You will be thanked by your community.

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